proof n. 1.证明;证据;【法律】证件;【法律】(口头或书面)证词,证言。 2.检验,考验;验算;检定的品质[强度等]。 3.试管。 4.【印刷】校样,印样。 5.(酒精的)标准强度。 6.(甲胄等的)耐力,坚牢强度,不贯穿性。 7.【摄影】样片;样张。 8.[Scot.] 审问。 9.【数学】证,证明,证法。 The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 布丁好坏一吃即知;空谈不如实验。 Here is proof positive. 有确实证据。 a foul proof 错字很多的校样。 a foundry proof (压型前的)清样。 an artist's [engraver's] proof 版面印样。 stand a severe proof 经受严格的考验。 afford proof of 提供证据。 armour of proof 戳不通的坚牢的铠甲。 below proof 不合格。 bring [put] to the proof 试,试验。 have proof of shot 能防弹,能避弹。 in proof of 作…的证据。 proof positive of his intention 他的企图的确证。 read the proof 校对。 adj. 1.试验过的,有保证的;(酒)合标准的,规定的。 2.校样的。 3.(子弹等)不入的,耐…的,防…的。 a proof coin 标准货币,制钱。 a proof sample 样品。 proof against the severest weather 经得起任何酷烈天气的。 proof against the pricks of all temptations 不为任何诱惑所动的。 vt. 使经得住,使(布等)耐久[不漏水(等)]。 proofed cloth 防水布。 adj. -less 无证据的。
Corrosion proof rule of material and technology for textile machinery parts and products 纺机零件及成品防锈材料与工艺规范
Stainless steel made products assure of corrosion proof . water proof and semi - permanent life 清洗机采用了全不锈钢材料和耐腐蚀材料,保证优良的防水性能和长久的使用寿命。
Contrast test and research of the result of resistance reduction and corrosion proof capability of the different resistance - reducing agents 降阻剂降阻效果和防腐蚀性能对比试验研究
With elegant shapenment , corrosion proofing , stati electricity relistance , impact resistance and good thermal reliability 具有外形美观,耐腐蚀,抗静电,耐冲击及热稳定性好等优良性能。
Possessing the advantages of fire retardancy , corrosion proofing , antiageing , flexbility , firm structure and reliable work , etc 具有耐燃、耐腐蚀、耐水、耐老化、挠性良好、结构牢固、工作可靠等优点。
Precise filtration system , multi - stage filtration , remove mechanical impurity in oil ; high - quality filter medium , corrosion proof , strong mechanical strength , wear well 精密的过滤系统,多级过滤逐级加密,能有效去除油中的机械杂质优质滤材,耐腐蚀机械强度好,经久耐用。
Keel construction method : use electric drillers to drill holes or use shot nails to fix the square wood that is sized over 20 x 40 mm and has undertaken corrosion proof , moth proof and drying treatment 2骨施工法:将20mm40mm以上并经过防腐防蛀及干燥处理的方木,用电锤打眼或射钉固定,深度在15 - 25mm骨与墙之间留5 - 10
Adopted high - quality filtration component and sealing material with corrosion proof , high temperature resistant and excellent mechanical strength . it meets high temperature demand of high - viscosity oil and enlarge filtration oil range 采用优质过滤原件和连接密封材料,耐腐蚀耐高温机械强度好,满足了过滤高粘度油需升温较高的要求,扩大了滤油机可净化油的种类范围。
Because of its no - leak , no - corrosion proof , non - stick properties , these products are being used by more and more motorcycle manufactures and sales companies both domestic and internationally , the amount of sales are increasing daily 由于其具有:无渗漏无腐蚀不粘缸体的优点,所以本公司用此材料制作的各种机型的摩托车全套密封垫片,逐渐的被国内外摩托车生产厂及经销商选用,销量与日俱增。
Pvc inline screw thread metal steel wire reinforced tube with even smoothy tube wall and advantages of withstand voltage , corrosion proof , acid alkali resistant , excellent bending property and unease aging , ect . it can replace ordinary rubber reinforced pipe , pe pipe , soft rigid pvc piep and partial metal pipe 具有耐压耐油耐腐蚀耐酸碱,可屈挠性好,不脆裂不易老化等优点,可代替普通的橡胶增强管pe管软硬pvc管及部分金属管。